Tuesday, October 11, 2005


So there I was, alone in the union, staring at the shard of paper on the table before me.

Seven beautiful numbers started pointing at me, with a sort of slant that made me think this girl must see the world at an angle. Maybe she just really liked her fonts to be italics. Then I realized she just must have held the paper at a wacky angle and I was really over-analyzing the situation and needed to start breathing regularly again or I would go unconscious and collapse.

"Elly" was her name. I started committing it to memory because of my tendency to forget names and lose shots at more dates with the women to whom they belong.

"Elly...Elly...Elly..." I mouthed, staring at the paper and picturing her face. I must tell you, it was not an unpleasant thing, thinking of her.

Her hair was long, straight, bouncy, and black. I can not resist a women with long, straight, bouncy black hair. I don't know why, but they are most proficient at wrapping me around their little fingers.

Her eyes were green. No, wait, they were blue... oh, then I remembered! They were blue in the center and green as they went out towards the rest of her face.

Her lipstick was funny, I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew the colors were awesome to behold, and the shape of her lips themselves wasn''t bad, either.

Moving downward, her chest was... well, I think I better stop right there before I get myself in trouble. I'll just say it was impossible to confuse her with anything that isn't female, and then let you fill in the rest of her.

I put the slice of paper in my pocket, and patted them gently like they were my newest pet. I realized this was a bad idea, being as I tend to kill my pets. In fact, I tend to kill pets in general.

You don't believe me?

I've gone through four hamsters, two gerbils, 25 fish, a dog, a cat, a litter of kittens (I tried to give them all a bath when they were half a week old), eight toads, 2 turtles and a parakeet.

My dad once bought me a pet rock, so I could have something I couldn't kill. I took it out of the box


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